Natural Almond 1000 g
Natural almond 1000 g is a rich source of valuable nutrients. It contains a lot of fiber, macro and micronutrients, beneficial for the cardiovascular system and lowers the level of bad cholesterol.
Uses: A stand-alone snack, or an addition to all sorts of dishes, desserts, muesli and yogurt.
Nutritional values:
- niacin - supports the proper functioning of the human brain and nervous system
- magnesium - supports the nervous system, improves concentration and cognitive function, strengthens bones and teeth
- calcium - builder of teeth and bones, contributes to normal metabolism and blood clotting
- zinc - is important for hair, skin and nails, removes toxins and activates white blood cells, building the body's immunity
- phosphorus - is important for bones and teeth, builds many of our body's cells
- potassium - controls muscle function, protects our veins and heart, helps maintain normal blood pressure
- iron - transports oxygen in the body, prevents anemia and participates in the production of serotonin, protecting against depression
- vitamin C - supports immunity, delays the aging process, protects against cancer, improves cardiovascular function
- vitamin E - is essential for fertility, delays skin aging processes
- vitamin B2 - supports the nervous and immune system, eliminates eye fatigue, is needed during growth, pregnancy and exercise
Interesting facts: Natural almond is recommended to pregnant women as a natural remedy for heartburn and nausea.
Country of Origin: USA