Couscous 5 kg
Couscous 5 kg is a product created from durum wheat originating from Africa, where it is very much a part of the local cuisine. It is a very rich source of protein and iron. Despite being a grain product, couscous groats are easily digestible, so they will not cause problems for people with digestive problems.
Uses: Couscous groats have versatile uses. It most often becomes a substitute for potatoes or rice.
Nutritional values:
- vitamin PP - affects the condition of the skin, is necessary for the proper functioning of the brain
-folic acid - indicated not only for pregnant women; supports the nervous system and brain, improves well-being, has a blood-forming effect, protecting against anemia, also has an anti-cancer effect
- pantothenic acid - ideal remedy for fatigue and concentration problems, accelerates wound healing and improves the condition of hair and skin
- phosphorus - is important for bones and teeth, builds many of our body's cells
- calcium - builder of teeth and bones, contributes to normal metabolism and blood clotting
- potassium - controls muscle function, protects our veins and heart, helps maintain normal blood pressure
- magnesium - supports the nervous system, improves concentration and cognitive function, strengthens bones and teeth
Interesting facts: Couscous groats contain gluten, so it is not an advisable product for people suffering from celiac disease.
Ingredients:100% Couscous groats
Country of Origin: Turkey