Gravit 100% Pomegranate Fruit Concentrate 500 ml - VitaFan Group Chaber
GRAWIT is a whole pomegranate fruit concentrate. Gluten-free product.
The pomegranate fruit is washed, cut, crushed, pressed and through a slow
vacuum centrifugation process is brought to the desired concentrate density.
It takes about 20 kg of fresh pomegranate fruit to make 1 L of concentrate.
About 3.3 kg of fresh pomegranate fruit is needed for 1 L of pomegranate fruit juice
The concentrate has a concentration between 76 and 78 BRIX , and the juice between 6 and 13 BRIX.
Pomegranate concentrate has more than 20 times more antioxidants than fresh pomegranate juice and many times more than known antioxidant drinks.
From the above quoted data, it is clear that for health purposes
pomegranate concentrate is a more effective formula and requires a small amount of
concentrate to ensure the desired effect.
Our Gravit has been registered with the GIS as:
food for special use - gluten-free foodstuff
Net volume: 500 ml
Country of origin: Lebanon