Hulled Peas 500 g
Hulled peas 500 g is a product known worldwide as a rich source of digestible protein. It is therefore a very good alternative to meat in a vegetarian diet. Peas also contain significant amounts of vitamin A, B and C.
Uses: Whole peas are well suited for making pastes and pates. It is also great as an addition to dinner dishes and soups.
Nutritional values:
- vitamin A - affects our skin, eyesight and immunity, prevents the development of cancer
- vitamin B6 - boosts immunity, supports the nervous system and regulates blood pressure, and is essential for hemoglobin production
- vitamin C - supports immunity, delays the aging process, protects against cancer, improves cardiovascular function
- calcium - builder of teeth and bones, contributes to normal metabolism and blood clotting
- magnesium - supports the nervous system, improves concentration and cognitive function, strengthens bones and teeth
- potassium - controls muscle function, protects our veins and heart, helps maintain normal blood pressure
Trivia: In addition to plenty of vitamins, peas are also rich in iron, potassium and sulfur. Therefore, it helps to maintain adequate immunity of the human body.
Ingredients: 100% Peas
Country of Origin: Poland