Vitamin C (L-Ascorbic Acid) 1000 g
Vitamin C (L-Ascorbic Acid) 1000g is a dietary supplement in powder form. Vitamin C is of great importance for the proper functioning of our body.First of all, it raises and supports immunity, supports the work of the circulatory system, strengthens blood vessels, delays the aging process of the skin and has an anti-cancer effect. In addition, vitamin C is involved in the processes of collagen production, and therefore its regular supplementation improves the efficiency of joints and reduces the risk of injury.
Usage: The recommended daily serving of L-Ascorbic Acid is 1g (1000 mg) - 12. Vitamin C powder can be consumed with a meal by drinking approx. 300 ml of water, or dissolve directly in water or juice. Do not exceed the recommended serving per day.
Interesting facts: Vitamin C has found wide use in cosmetics, as it exhibits skin-elasticizing properties - it is mainly added to anti-wrinkle specs.
Składniki: Kwas L-Askarbinowy 100 % Produkt nie może być stosowany przez osoby uczulone na którykolwiek z jego składników. Osoby, które cierpią z powodu kamicy nerkowej, przed zażyciem preparatu powinny skonsultować się z lekarzem prowadzącym. Suplement diety w formie proszku.
Kraj Pochodzenia: Chiny